The Way He Looks

The Way He Looks Portuguese Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho literally, Today I Want to Go Back Alone is a 2014 Brazilian comingofage romantic drama film based on the 2010 short film I Dont Want to Go Back Alone Eu No Quero Voltar Sozinho. It was directed, written and coproduced by Daniel Ribeiro, and stars Ghilherme Lobo, Fabio Audi, and Tess Amorim, reprising their roles from the short.

The story centers on Leonardo Ghilherme Lobo, a blind high school student struggling with independence. At the beginning of the film, he and his best friend, Giovana Tess Amorim, are discussing how they have yet to kiss anyone. Leo is especially distressed because he wants his first kiss to be special, but doesnt believe anyone wants to kiss him. When the day ends, Giovana walks Leo home, his arm linked with hers, and she unlocks his door for him, something she regularly does for him despite her house being a block in the opposite direction. Leo arrives home and his mother expresses distress at Leos sunburned skin and worry at the thought of leaving Leo home alone while she and his father are out. Leo insists he will be fine, and his mother agrees under certain terms. Leo and Giovana return to school after holiday and classmate Fabio Pablo Carvalho makes fun of Leos loud typewriter. When their professor instructs Fabio to move to the empty seat behind Leo, Fabio outright declines, arguing he will constantly have to assist Leo if he sits there. A new student named Gabriel Fabio Audi arrives and takes the empty seat behind Leo.Giovana expresses romantic interest in Gabriel rather quickly, but is appalled when Karina Isabela Guasco, who has a promiscuous reputation, begins to pursue him. Leo and Giovana become friendlier with Gabriel and he joins the pair on their walk home. One day, Leo walks home from school alone with a walking stick, and Fabio and his friends taunt Leo, making movements around his head which Leo cant see. Leo eventually trips over them and falls, but quickly leaves, angry. He arrives home much later than usual to his frazzled, worried parents. He expresses his annoyance at their overprotective nature and how he doesnt want to be treated differently because of his disability. Later on, Leo expresses his interest in studying abroad to Giovana as a way to leave his overbearing home life. Leo and Giovana go to an exchange agency to get more informatio

Source: Wikipedia